Auditing Directory
Auditing refers to the assessment and validation of the financial statements of any organization. Auditing is carried out by competent authority known as auditors. Every organization is required under the law to maintain books of accounts. The auditors actually ascertain and certify that the records maintained by the organization are true and fair. Auditors must follow the general standards, procedures and rules laid down by the governing authorities. The audited accounts validate the accounts and communicate to the user groups that the accounts maintained by the organization are in the right manner. Any organization would have both internal and external auditors. Keeping a track of the financial health of any company is important for the users such as shareholders and managers and thus, the audited reports provide the assurance that they need. Any irregularities in the books would be brought out while carrying out the auditing and thus, is beneficial to both the management and shareholders.
Auditing Group : Provides turn key auditing, validation and compliance solutions for the regulated industry. Specialized in pharmaceutical, biotechnolgy, medical device, food and cosmetic regulated industry.
- : Tax, risk, transaction and business advisory services are the services offered by
IIA : Institute of internal auditors UK and Ireland focusing exclusively on internal auditing and are passionate about supporting, promoting and training the professionals.
Audit Commission : Independent watchdog, driving economy, efficiency and effectiveness in local government, health, housing, community safety, fire and rescue services.
Auditing & Assurance Standards Board : An independent statutory agency of the Australian Government, responsible for developing, issuing and maintaining auditing and assurance standards.
AAOIFI : An Islamic international autonomous non-profit organization preparing accounting, auditing, governance, ethics and Shari'a standards for Islamic financial institutions and industries.
PAS Cash : Provides organization with more recoveries at the lowest overall contingency fee.
S.G. Kabra & Co : Experienced chartered accounting firm, established in 1986, specialized in statutory auditing, taxations, appeals and bank audits.
ICAI : Institute of chartered accountants of India is a statutory body established under the chartered accountants act, 1949, specialized in education, professional development, maintenance of high accounting, auditing and ethical standards.
RKM India : Providing a comprehensive range of accounting, auditing, advisory services, BPO, direct & indirect taxation and a host of other value added services to select domestic and multinational companies.