Weather Directory
Weather refers to the changes in atmospheric conditions during a given period of time. It generally includes a short duration say 24 hours and also for a small area like a city or town. The wind, snow, rain, temperature, clouds are elements that determine or make up the weather of a particular place. The weather plays an important role in deciding many important factors. Weather forecasting is an important science undertaken by experts who study the different elements that make up weather. The weather forecasters make predictions of the atmospheric conditions in a given place during a given period of time. Making predictions about the weather is an important task that they undertake. The development in science and technology and the use of computers have proved to be an important aid in weather forecasting. Individual elements of weather are studied separately and is a science in itself. Weather forecasting is important as it has a huge impact on our day to day activities.
WeatherLab : Specialized in providing weather forecasting and historical weather data solutions. Offers advice and assist on past weather and climate enquiries including legal disputes, insurance claim validation and inclement weather reports.
4WX : Information center providing comprehensive range of weather forecasts for all reagions of the world.
XC Weather : Providing real time weather maps of wind strength and direction across UK and Europe.
Weather Underground : Specialized in providing weather information for worldwide locations, including current conditions, hourly forecasts, radar and satellite maps.
Weather City : Providing wide range of accurate local weather forecasts and conditions of cities around the world.
Accu Weather : Provides wide range of local forecasts for everywhere in the United States, including hurricane, world and local weather forecasts plus radars, news and weather maps.
Weather USA : Provides personalized forecast center, weather maps and warnings for locations in the United States.
World Weather : Providing weather forecasts and climatological information for selected cities supplied by national meteorological and hydrological services worldwide.
International Weather : Provides accurate international weather forecasts for all the major cities of the world.
- : Providing wide range of weather information for worldwide locations, including current conditions, hourly forecasts, radar and satellite maps.
- : Provides realtime weather forecasts for tropical weather, winter storms, meso-scale weather, severe thunderstorm and tornado situations.