Health & Medicine Directory

Browse our Egypt Health & Medicine Directory:

Site Listings
  • Crystal Links : Web page that showcases details about ancient Egyptian medicine. Information about ancient medical texts, remedies, history, herbs, doctors, etc are found.

  • Medicine in Ancient Egypt : Details on ancient Egyptian medicinal documents like medical papyri, ebers papyrus, kahun gynecological papyrus, and details about various infections are found.

  • Al Monitor : Middle East's online journal. Provides health care updates, general news, etc about Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries.

  • Report Linker : Provides year-on-year and month-wise statistical reports about Egyptian healthcare.

  • Daily News : Egyptian daily English newspaper that discusses about various topics including healthcare in the country.

  • The Egyptian Journal of Medicine : A publication of the Egyptian Society of Internal Medicine and an online journal that discusses about clinical studies related to health, social, and ethical issues.

  • History Learning Site, The : Details on ancient Egyptian medicine, medicinal treatments, medical documents, are found. Repository to find details on history.

  • Explorable : History about Egyptian medicine is included. Details on herbal medicines are included.

  • MNT : Online medical news provider that showcases details on ancient Egyptian medicine.

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