Belarus Directory
Belarus or the Republic of Belarus is a country situated in Eastern Europe. It is located between 51 deg and 57 deg N latitudes and 23 deg and 33 deg E longitudes. The country shares its borders with Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. Belarus is a Presidential Republic. Minsk is the capital of Belarus. It is spread over an area of 207,600 sq kms. Agriculture and the manufacturing sector are the major contributors to the economy. Belarusian and Russian are the official languages. Belarusian Ruble is the official currency. The country is divided into 6 regions for all administrative purposes.
Languages of Belarus : Resource list living population and languages of Belarus.
- : Provides current weather conditions of major cities and locations, along with weather headlines, for outdoor activities and travel.
Belarus Weather : Official governemnt weather forecasts provides hour-by-hour weather conditions of major cities and locations in the country.
Belarus Guide : Online encyclopedia about Belarus, its culture, history, politics, industry, geography, genealogy maintained by volunteers, Belarusian scientists and professionals.
- : Resource for finding flights arrival and departure information online.
- : Internet guide to Belarus business, economy, government, culture, church, education and more.
Telephone Directory : Internet portal that allows users to find information about enterprises and organizations their products and services, addresses and phone numbers.
IPM Business School : Offering a range of educational programs for executives and managers from various business fields.
School of Modeling : Modeling agency dedicated in training professional models in Belarus.
- : National center of Republic of Belarus features legal databases to access Belarusian legal information.