Niue Directory
Niue Rentals : Book online or by phone for rental cars. Includes details of location, rates and services.
Companies of Niue : Provides a range of resources and information on company registration, legislation and customers support.
Niue Film Commission : Official website responsible for the development and management of Niue film industry.
Government of Niue : Portal and resource for information on tourism, jobs, education, legislation, pacific islands, relationships and more.
Niue Dive : Located in the middle of south Pacific near Tonga and Samoa, offering dive trips as well as information on boats and equipments.
Jasons - Niue : Provides a brief description about history and culture of the island.
Coral Gardens : Best place to stay in Niue, with perfect accommodation and facilities.
Golden Age Pacific : Perfect self-catering holiday home in Niue, for an unforgettable tropical holiday.
Lonely Planet - Niue : Tourism and travel information history, culture, transportation, maps and weather of Niue.
Travel Document : Provides details on visa application and visa requirements for tourist in Niue.