Celebrities Directory

Celebrity is any person who is famous and recognized by people in the society. The recognition may come due to the field of work or doing something really unique. People may attain celebrity status due to their beautiful looks, work, money or even go on to become instant celebrities. Instant celebrities are those who acquire celebrity status overnight due to some accomplishment of theirs in a particular field. Movie stars generally belong to the category of celebrities. The media too plays a big role in communicating information and turning a person into a celebrity. The media can sometimes be so powerful so as to make celebrities out of non-entities. Celebrities are generally people who like to be in the media and be talked about. With the internet keeping a track of what your favorite celebrity is doing is very easy. There are many sites dedicated to celebrities.

Site Listings
  • People.com : Provides information on celebrities including breaking news, pictures, style and more.

  • Gallery of Celebrities : Currently has more than 13,500 pictures of favourite actors, actresses and other celebrities.

  • Best Celebrity Sites : Providing celebrity information since 1998, currently featuring celebrities like Pamela Anderson, Jenny McCarthy, Jennifer Aniston, Ricky Martin, the Backstreet Boys and more.

  • Celebgalz News : Provides interesting news that entertain and educate on the latest trends.

  • Mrpaparazzi.com : Source for the latest celebrity photos, news, videos and celebrity gossip from around the world, including hollywood and UK celebrities.

  • Celebrity Zone : Dedicated to provide wide range of photographs and information on all famous celebrities, including movie stars, pop stars, models, sports stars and TV stars.

  • Iviva.com : Official top celebrities site for the latest photos, videos, blogs and news stories of the UKs favourite celebrities.

  • Celebhoo.com : Provides wide range of comprehensive, reliable and easy to use directory of fan site listings.

  • Les Nubians : Resource for the latest news about afropean world known band Les Nubians.

  • James McBride : Award winning composer and accomplished musician's website, providing information about his books, contact information and schedule.

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