Hungarian Directory
Hungarian is a language that belongs to the category of Uralic languages. Hungarian language is spoken by a large population. A large percentage of people speaking Hungarian live in Hungary itself, however, there is also a small number of people who live in neighboring places which originally belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary. It is the official language of Hungary. It also has to its credit the title of being the official language of the European Union. There are also other places where Hungary enjoys the status of being listed among the official languages of the particular place. There are several variations or dialects of the language spoken in different parts of the land. The language originally used the old script for writing purposes however, slowly the old script gave way to the Latin Alphabet and continues to be the one followed in the present times.
Hungarotips : Assists in learning Hungarian language. Includes collection of self-quizzes, sound files, tests and puzzles.
- : Online reference guide to Hungarian languge.
- : Online book store offering Hungarian language learning books.
Hungarian Resource : Provides resource on Hungarian language alphabets, vowels, words, phrases, numbers and more.
Hungarian Language : Located in the heart of the capital, allowing students and foreigners to learn Hungarian at one of the language school in Budapest.