Portuguese Directory

Portuguese belongs to the family of Romance languages and finds its origin in to as far back as 2000 years in what is known today as Galicia. In the 15th and the 16th century, the language spread to many lands mainly due to the colonial conquests of the Portuguese. The language is one amongst the important languages of the world and going by the number of native speakers ranks 7th among the languages of the world. Portuguese enjoys the status of being the official language of 9 countries and in many other countries across the globe it lists as one of the co-official languages. Many international organizations too have adopted it as their official language. The dialects of the language may be categorized into two mainly that of the Old World and second that of Brazil.

Site Listings
  • Learn Portuguese Language Software : Language resources for learning Portuguese phrases, words, pronunciation and history of Brazil and Portugal.

  • BB Portuguese : Offering quality Portuguese to English and English to Portuguese translation services oriented to demanding law firms, manufacturers and financial institutions.

  • Translation Services USA : Offering professional Portuguese translation services for English to Portuguese and Portuguese to English language pairs.

  • Multilingual Books : Resource offering online courses and exercises, video lessons, alphabets, dictionaries, verb conjugations, language communities, articles, books and more.

  • Languages Abroad : Located in Lisbon, Faro and Brazil, offering a range of quality Portuguese courses.

  • Learn Portuguese Brazil : Situated just 1 hours drive from the international airport of Salvador, the state capital of Bahia, offering the opportunity to learn the language in a beautiful tropical and natural environment.

  • Portuguese Language Guide : Source for learning Portuguese numbers, vowels, colors, directions, professions, body parts and more in Portuguese language.

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