Politics Directory

The word “politics” finds its origin in the Greek word “polis” meaning the city or the state. This in turn means that politics refers to anything concerning the state and the activities related to it. The power to carry out the functions related to the state, the decision making and responsibility are all part of the wide spectrum termed politics. The use of power, the resultant relationship networks and the governance of the state or the city or any other political unit is known as politics. Politics is part of any unit and has its share of positive and negatives. Politics generally has a negative connotation which has probably come about as a result of the power play and the misuse of the power vested in the governing bodies. Politics is also studied as a subject formally and is referred to as political science. The study of power and how it is used forms the core of political science. Taught in colleges and universities, political science is one that has many interested in it.

Site Listings
  • Rock The Vote : Dedicated to build political power by registering and turning out young people, by forcing the candidates to campaign and making politicians pay attention to youth.

  • Grant Atkins Blog : Covers everything from economic reports to emerging economies to the social and political values that drive business and markets. Atkins seeks to understand the person behind the money and the money behind the power.

  • Canadian Action Party : Dedicated to the principle that Canada can serve its citizens and the world by re-claiming and maintaining its political and economic sovereignty as an independent country.

  • Nationalism Project : Provides with a clearinghouse of scholarly nationalism information including leading definitions of nationalism, book reviews, web links, subject bibliographies and much more.

  • Peace & Freedom : Organization committed to socialism, democracy, ecology, feminism and racial equality, also provides details of platform, news and contact information.

  • World Prosperity : Determines how to make social systems such as education, healthcare, government and families work more effectively.

  • Fec.gov : Congress created the Federal Election Commission to administer and enforce the Federal Election Campaign Act that governs the financing of federal elections.

  • Political Resources : Providing comprehensive listings of political sites available on the net sorted by country, with links to parties, organizations, governments and media from all around the world.

  • Hindutva.org : Source for a wide range of information on current global politics, history, culture and philosophy of hindu-muslim relations.

  • Against Politics : Providing wide range of information on the bibliography, links and discussions regarding individual anarchy philosophies.

  • ANU : Largest political organization in United States, providing wide range of articles, news and newsletter about political conditions.

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